Online Store

Here's a little known secret . . .  you can purchase the two-volume set at: 

OR, you can forego the hidden mark-up fees and purchase the two-volume set directly from Omega Enterprises, Inc., for $40.00 (plus about $6-8.00 for shipping).

Short of that, you are more than welcome to purchase the book at any major chain-store for  anywhere between $60-90.00.

The choice is yours.  ;o)

Sin Perdón: Acquiescence With Murder  —  Vol 1

FORMAT                            ISBN                           PRICE

Paperback (6X9)   9781434380937              $15.00

Dust Cover             9781434380944               $19.75

(Hardcover 6X9)


Sin Perdón: Acquiescence With Murder —Vol 2

FORMAT                         ISBN                    PRICE

Paperback (6X9)     781434393111          $16.10

Dust Cover             9781434393128         $20.85

(Hardcover 6X9)

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